
Not only subdomains as additional domains with its own directory in a vsite
The ability to have additional fqdn in a site. It can be handled like subdomains but should be fqdn (full qualified domain name). Note by mstauber: This is already there via “Web Server Alias” and the “Web Alias Redirects” checkbox. Note by destenfeld: No this is not completely what I mean. What I mean is the ability to set a domain in different ways: additional domain (not only subdomain) is pointing to a subdirectory (like subdomains) domain can be an additional domain for an existing directory Ability to create FTP users which have only access to a subdirectory within virtual site. Additional to this the subdomain feature today is not updated with the php select funktion of the mainsite. If php version for the mainsite changes. The php version for the subdomain do not.

Dirk Estenfeld shared this idea 01/08/18 19:44
Greg Kuhnert 03/08/18 09:38 flag comment
This requirement is not generic enough to warrant inclusion as a standard component within Blueonyx. If you require this, please contact Michael to discuss a quote for custom development work .