
Change DocumentRoot
Several common frameworks and web apps (Magento, Laravel, to name two) want you have set documentroot for httpd as a subdir: ie /web/public and not just /web. While it can be done by editing the sitexx.include file, a GUI option would be most welcome.

Darren Wolfe shared this idea 03/08/18 00:37
Greg Kuhnert 03/08/18 09:27 flag comment
Its a bit complicated, but we will leave this in the to-do list. Note: Some WHAM applications already have this built in.
Dirk Estenfeld 03/08/18 21:01 flag comment
Hmmm, you can easily add an addtional DocumentRoot line in the siteX.include. This should be not so complicated to include. The only effort would be the integration in the services/web settings in the gui.
Darren Wolfe 03/08/18 21:39 flag comment
Adding the new documentroot to the include works fine if you are using PHP in ruuid mode, but if you use php-fpm or suphp there are rewrites added to the sitexx file that reference the absolute path of the web folder, which cannot be rewritten in the include file. So, a kludge to add the replacement documentroot in the include file to implement this feature (which is supposed to be reserved for user edits) would not work in all cases.